This congregation is a loving faith community which strives to demonstrate its faith values by deeds more than words. As God is all-embracing, we value all worshippers in the hope that each person’s spiritual journey can flourish from individual faith into communal compassion and action.
Our worship service at Bethany Beach Christian Church is held at 9:30am in person every Sunday morning. It is a traditional Disciples of Christ worship with bible-based sermons, and our minister is Pastor Rich Plocinski.
Our services are now live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The videos will also be available for viewing afterwards.
Communion in our Church is offered every Sunday, and it is open to anyone, of any denomination, who believes in Christ as his or her personal Savior and endeavors to follow His Way. As you enter the church, you will find communion kits, the bulletin, and the offering plate (we no longer pass this around during service). Our dress is casual here at the beach.
If you would like to know more about Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ), see the Faith and Beliefs page.