Welcome to Bethany Beach Christian Church. We invite you to join us in person for Sunday Worship Services at 9:30am. Dress is casual. Whether you are a local resident or simply visiting the Bethany Beach area, we hope you will join us.
Our services are now live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The videos will also be available for viewing afterwards. (Note: We began using a new YouTube channel in early 2022. The old channel is still available here.)
For those looking for a place to enhance your faith journey, we encourage you to join us. We are a place of diversity and hospitality and a congregation of different points of view, which give us the opportunity to learn from one another. Bethany Beach Christian Church is a small and friendly church that invites you to join us in celebrating the Word of God. Our pastor bases his sermons on particular scriptures and gives guidance on how to incorporate them in our daily lives.
Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion
7 N. Pennsylvania Ave. (Building #7)
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
On the grounds of the Bethany Beach Conference Center
(next to the playground)
Service Time: 9:30am
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1484
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Minister: Pastor Rich Plocinski
News & Events
Food Donations
Thank you for your continuing support and faithfulness! Local food banks continue to be in need of many items - click "more" to see the list. Donations can be brought to the church Tuesday mornings, from 9am to noon.

Mission Statement
This congregation is a loving faith community which strives to demonstrate its faith values by deeds more than by words. As God is all-embracing, we value all worshipers in the hope that each person's spiritual journey can flourish from individual faith into communal compassion and action.
There are no sermons posted at the moment.
Please check back soon!
Meet the Minister
On December 15, 2019, Bethany Beach Christian Church called its new pastor, Rich Plocinski. Pastor Rich and his wife Sherri have three sons - Josh, Jake, and Sam. Josh is married to Kristen, and they have two children, Grayson and Skylar. Pastor Rich moved to Ocean View, DE in August 2019.
Pastor Rich was active in youth ministry as a counselor, director, and camp coordinator at Nordmont Christian Church in NE Pennsylvania for 15 years. Under his leadership, the camping program grew from 60 to 195 campers. He served as associate pastor at Benton Christian Church (Benton, PA) for two years and pastor at Millville Christian Church (Millville, PA) for 20 years. During his time at Millville, the congregation tripled in size; in addition, he oversaw an expansive building project and began a Christian Kid's Club and a Senior Citizen program at the church.
Pastor Rich is a retired math teacher, having taught at Milton High School in PA - he was bi-vocational as a teacher and preacher for over 25 years. He is very excited and inspired to be called as the pastor of this church.